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Narrator: Let us look at the Scarc, as always we introduce you to these large cat like beings from their point of view, with sections of language they use and how they see the world around them. So please join me as we dive into this sovereignty.

The northern section of this isle. Known the the Scarc as Tratooth it ruled by families. Like all families they fight a lot, with each other and with anyone that comes near to what they believe to be their territory.

They are a hunter gatherers, though each "Naroo" (Pack or Family) has it's own central village that they return too after trips out they rarely communicate with each other.

While there is meant to be an overall ruler each "Naroo" has it's own "Arc" (leader / lord) and they are stubborn, they are also possibly related. Which means they are constantly fighting for the throne and will use their people to take it by force if they must.

The Scarc are not like the Spine, they are a warrior tribe and will take with force what they desire, from each other, from the Spine whole the call Cratchai and have very little respect for. Though they have a real hatred for the hoards of things that have come from the far south.

Scarc Villages, are some what different to Spine dwellings, they are split between Risers and Drains. The Risers are within forests high in the tree tops, seeing as Scarc are amazing climbers these are easy for them to build, it keeps them hidden and out of the way of the beasts below.

The Drains are the cave dwellers, hidden within the mountains and valleys of the surrounding areas.

There are four Scarc Riser Naroo and three Scarc Drain Naroo scattered around a very large area of the northern region.

As every Scarc is a hunter / warrior they learn to look after themselves from a very early age. Every one of them knows how to build a kahl (Bow) from branch and twine, and the praja (Arrow) once more from branch and flint. Metals is starting to become a new material they are using which has been procured from the Spine.

(It is easier for me to use Spine as we know who they are but remember this is not what they call them)

Though they manly use this for jewellery and trinkets, so far they have no worked out how to harden it for weapons at the time of writing this.

Cloth making from different plant fibbers was discovered fairly early in the time line of the Scarc as it is cold in the northern regions and though fur covers them from head to toe it isn't always practical to be naked. So cloth was very early discovered and created to keep them warm and armour them from damage.


Amazingly this has helped in the internal struggles and battles as when they attack each other with their own claws it gets tangled in the cloth and blunted make them fairly useless against each other, which in turn made them discover weaponry rather quickly, because if your main weapon won't work on your opponent you need to find a way to get around it. Which resulted in the creation of Bows and projectiles, Stabbing actions appear to break the cloth garments and cause injury, this in turn gave the discovery of the flint knife and with the discovery of the black stone the Claidheamh was created, though rare they can be found on battle fields in the hands of some of the most hardened veterans and Khans. The weight and edge of this weapon can cleave through even the thickest of armours.


I know the oddness this will sound for a warrior race, but they do have skills in art and architecture, building amazing feasting halls above the tree line and below the ground, with ornate stone and wood. Carved tree's to show area's of territories, wonderful stone status to scare away interlopers.

This is one of the ways we relax, we carve and create. We hunt to survive, we fight and battle to survive, to advance and discover.

The story told over the camp fire is of the seven brothers. It is a little lost in our history how true this is but they created the Naroo. When their Carc passed from this plain to the Great Kartoodrah (Hunting Grounds) the brothers turned on each other for control. The first Naroo shattered as they followed the brother they believed in and thought would make the better Carc, which in turn made the first city fall and the new villages were formed.

The Scarc though are massive beings, compared to every other race known so far on this isle, and as such they are never big villages or groups and while they have many children these children do not always survive, life is short in the Scarc and death is common place. Though they do say for those that reach maturity have taken the lives of their siblings to get to this point.


But these are the things we have to do to survive and to keep the food in place, tough the tails of them crawly horde things are tasty.

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