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Quarl the Champion Of Amber Fall. 

It was the fourth night, it had not been the best scouting mission, no new things had been discovered though the group had found these larger beings, we need to watch out for them. Twice our size and bladed hands. 


Quarl had spotted his first Scarc. This lowly scout armed with a make shift spear and twin bound shield seeing these monsters for the first time. 


Hiding in the bushes trying to be as tiny as possible Quarl watched, learned tried to study this new discovery, they appeared to work as packs, they take down the prey in what looks like planned formations and coordinated attacks, we need to be careful.


Quarl waited, the wind rustled the bush as its direction changed. Quarl attempted to become as small as possible so not to be noticed by the Scarc hunting in the plains. Realising the position as not safe this panicked scout attempted to make a break for it and get back to the camp before being spotted.

Reaching the camp, Quarl explained to the group what was seen, and with this information they began to sort the defences of the camp.

Creating spike traps and ditches in an attempt to catch any invading Scarc force from entering. 


After a few hours the panic started to decline, no attack had come and so the group began to sort camp and prepare for the night. As the lamps flickered it happened the action that would bring the first Scarc Spine war. About 8 of them some how avoided the defences, the darkness helped hide the invasion, the spines were prepared but some how the Scarc had managed to dodge alarms, guards and traps, it was like they were attacking in day light. 


Quarl hearing the commotion clambered out of the bunk, bounding into the fray, using what had been learned from the initial scouting mission, Quarl would begin to bark orders to bring the rest of the group into line, explaining the way they hunted adapting the group to a defensive positions. 

The battle war fierce and cost Quarl an Eye, but realising that the Scarc could see in the darkness, a torch was grabbed and fires ignited, bringing the light up around the camp, which in turn cause the Scarc to become disorientated. An falling back. If it hadn't been for Quarl the whole scouting party would have been lost.


A withdraw was called, they zigged and zagged back to the tribe using water crossings and areas of wild flowers to hide their scents and as to lose the Scarc trackers.


The battle might have been survived but the war the war was coming, and these lands must be defended. 

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