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Districts What Is It?

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

So many years ago I started writing a sci-fi gang war game. Mainly becasue Necromunda was discontinued and I wanted to have a team builder small group skirmish game I could play with my friends. Over the years it got a little bit out of control. I lost faith in it and went off to do something else.

So what has happened to get me doing it again now?

Well a few months ago I was doing that stuck between a terrible job or no job and started working on it again as an attempt to get out of my work life rut. I then got offered a new job and went off to do said new job, new job went south now have no job. So while I spend hours every day going through the job boards and applying for new and exciting possibilities I decided to start reworking on Districts again.

We have a basic gang pack already built, its the Space Suit Series One pack on the web site, there is enoguh models in there to build a starter gang.

There are also a few alien and upgraded bits as well. But as always while I do enjoy sculpting the models there are also so many other companies out there that make amazing miniatures you can go buy from them and not have to print and still use with the game.

So Over the next week or so I am going to compile Districts, get it all finalised and ready for a PDF or Ebook purchase. I might go with EBook as I can release it and update it as we go allowing for any changes or added art work to be automatic.

What will Districts first book be, we ll it is a brief history of what happened along with the rules and what humans are doing now. It will just be a human book and the first Planet and City for the game to begin with. Obviously the game is space faring and as such we will be adding more worlds and more stories. With new armour, weapons and other gear to be used.

I also have some ideas about different play styles on different types of planets, though there will be no change to the ocre rules it will just change stats depending on the world you are from and the world you are on but once more this is for further down the line once we get into the more Universal Fight.

Any way I am done here for this evening, District is a multiplayer small scale skirmish game based in a universe that we will dicover together.

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