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Character Series

So, the Character series was never really a plan, but as I have several character models sculpted I thought I would rejig them a little or in some cases a lot and release them as 3UPs, though I am doing them at 100mm not 90mm. It gives you guys something to paint and create with and gives me a tiny amount of income to keep working on these things. This has always been a side-line for me and is slowly becoming my full time job. Which means I now need to start making money in order to live.

Also I like painting larger scale models, so I took what I did for me and thought I should do it for all, and this is what really created the Character Series. As you can see this is the first release Spikey, the first photo shows his original model, along with two other Character Series models in their original form. There are other's planned as well from all of the game systems and each one as always will come with a character page and back ground information on it.


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